Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

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Generate Captcha Code in ASP.NET Core

If you want to use captcha code to protect your website from spam messages, there are a few options such as Google ReCaptcha and captcha.com. Both of them can be integrated into ASP.NET Core applications. However, you may still want to generate the captcha code yourself for some reason, such as your website may be used in mainland China... This post will show you how to generate and use captcha …

10 Tricks and Tools for Windows 10 UWP Development

After Windows 10's launch. More and more UWP applications are coming as well as more Windows developers. I have been doing UWP development besides my job for more than 2 years. Today, I will share some tips and tricks from my UWP development experience as well as some handy tools, so that you can do your development quicker and easier. 1. Automatically Set Color to Title Bar The default color …

Azure Fire Alarm by Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core

防火是日常生活中非常重要的意识,如果你是一只恩爱狗,出门在外,家里被FFF团点了,那真是太惨(hao)了。如果你恰好有Windows 10的设备,比如Lumia,Surface,能及时收到火警是至(mei)关(sha)重(luan)要(yong)的。今天就教大家如何用Microsoft Azure公有云+Windows 10 IoT Core在树莓派上实现一个远程火警系统。 阅读这篇文章,你需要的前置知识: Windows 10,UWP的基本开发能力 MVVM基础知识 ASP.NET MVC的基础知识 树莓派、GPIO及逻辑电路的基本知识(也就是大学里的计算机电路) Azure公有云的使用经验 ……当然,还要有对微软的信仰 一、设计原理 基本想法是,通过火焰传感器的输入信号,触发一个警报,把消息发送到Azure上的Notification Hub,这个服务是专门给 …
Windows Azure IoT Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi 3 and Windows 10 IoT Core Basics

最近有时间,总结了一下关于树莓派3及Windows 10 IoT的基础知识。适合没有接触过硬件但有一定编程经验的读者入门。我自己刚刚买树莓派的时候花了很长时间入门,搞清楚各种概念和属于。很多网上的帖子都是分散在各个角落的,并且是英文的,有些还是过时的,有些是爆的,所以我觉得有必要总结一篇基础入门帖子。这篇文章讲的都是抛砖引玉的概念,并不包括End-To-End的Case,想要做一个完整实验的文章,请看我博客的物联网开发系列文章:http://edi.wang/category/list/iot  如果有错误和补充,欢迎在评论里指出。 一、树莓派3 树莓派是基于ARM芯片的卡片电脑,大小和一张信用卡一样。今年推出了第三代,集成了板载蓝牙和WIFI。之前的树莓派1和2都是需要用USB WIFI和蓝牙实现的,所以你要是购买树莓派,买3是最方便的,可以省去USB WIFI和蓝牙的配件。并且 …
IoT Raspberry Pi

Azure Remote Controlled Light with Windows 10 IoT Core

For those who have watched the "Big Bang Theory", you would probably remember that those physicists build an Internet controlled lamp. The signal send from their laptop traveled around the world and come back to their house to light up the lamp. Now, with Windows 10 IoT Core and Microsoft Azure, we could also achieve the same thing on a Raspberry Pi 3. First, I strongly recommend you to read …
Windows Azure IoT Raspberry Pi

Windows Phone 个人开发者一年回顾

今天是2015年1月25日,距我的第一个WP应用上架正好一年。这一年里,因为选择Windows Phone,开发Windows Phone,我收获了很多。我虽然工作是ASP.NET网站开发,WP只是业余的新手,但短短一年来,它带给我太多的美好。有技术上的成就,有许多新的朋友。 我想回顾一年来我和WP的点点滴滴。同时也向和我一样始终坚守在这个平台的个人开发者们致敬。 最早开始写WP应用其实是2013年7月,在我买了第一部WP手机以后,看着Channel  9上的视频边学边写。那时候安卓和苹果早就平分天下了,几乎没有WP什么事。当时我选择Windows Phone开发,仅仅是因为我在Windows平台上已经掌握的编程技能可以用于WP开发,不会耗费太大的学习成本,比如C#、Silverlight等技术。和我最早研究计算机一样,我并没有把赚钱当作目的和目标,而是纯粹的兴趣,所以至今我没有靠WP应用 …
Windows Phone