Azure Short Videos

In today's fast-paced tech environment, I have tailored a series of short videos aimed at enhancing Microsoft Azure skills for time-constrained professionals.

Each video, ranging between 1-5 minutes, distills essential Azure features into quick, actionable lessons, enabling viewers to bypass extensive documentation and immediately apply new knowledge.

* Please be aware: Our videos are hosted on Bilibili, which is a video platform based in China. Due to this, users accessing the content from outside of China may encounter increased network latency or slower loading times. We appreciate your patience and understanding.


Chinese Title English Title Publish Date Link
总算来了,在 Azure App Service 上添加IPv6支持 Add IPv6 for Azure App Service 7/28/2024 Watch
还在996自建Docker Hub镜像?Azure上点点鼠标1分钟搞定 How to cache Docker Hub image to Azure Container Registry 7/4/2024 Watch
在Azure Container Instance中运行Ubuntu Desktop Run Ubuntu Desktop in Azure Container Instance 7/1/2024 Watch
考古新姿势:Windows 2000 跑在 Azure Container Instance 里 Run Windows 2000 on Azure Container Instance 5/10/2024 Watch
如何重命名 Azure SQL 数据库 How to Rename Azure SQL Database 1/2/2024 Watch
终于支持了!将现有 Azure VM 安全等级升级到 Trusted Launch Upgrade existing Azure VM to Trusted Launch 11/13/2023 Watch
不买韭菜数据盘,在Azure Windows VM上将C盘分区成多个磁盘 Split C Drive into multiple partitions on Azure Windows VM without adding data disks 11/7/2023 Watch
无需远程桌面,使用 Azure Cloud Shell 在虚拟机上安装 IIS Install IIS on Azure VM with Azure Cloud Shell 10/16/2023 Watch
微软Azure"自主研发"的Linux系统Mariner 2.0安装体验 Install Azure Linux Mariner 2.0 10/14/2023 Watch
如何让 ChatGPT (Azure Open AI) 使用你自己的数据回答问题 How to make ChatGPT (Azure Open AI) answer your questions using your own data 9/22/2023 Watch
SSH 不可用时如何登录 Azure VM How to Enter Azure VM When SSH Is Not Available 8/2/2023 Watch
Azure Application Insight 如何更改 Workspace How to Change Workspace in Azure Application Insight 7/26/2023 Watch
如何在 Azure 存储账户上启用 SFTP How to enable SFTP on Azure Storage 7/17/2023 Watch
在 Azure 上快速搭建公共 DNS 服务器 (Ubuntu Server 22.04) Setup Public DNS Server on Azure (Ubuntu Server 22.04) 6/2/2023 Watch
在 Azure 上快速搭建公共 DNS 服务器 (Windows Server 2022 Core) Setup Public DNS Server on Azure (Windows Server 2022 Core) 5/30/2023 Watch


Chinese Title English Title Publish Date Link
无需删除重建,教你重命名 Azure Function Rename Azure Function without Delete and Recreating it 3/24/2023 Watch
如何在命令行下获取 Azure App Service 出站IP地址 Get Outbound IP in Azure App Service via Command Line 2/9/2023 Watch
Azure App Service 如何查看实时日志 How to View Real Time Log Stream in Azure App Service 2/8/2023 Watch
实验:.NET 7.0 环境的 Azure App Service 能跑传统 .NET Framework 应用吗? Experiment: Can You Run .NET Framework App Inside .NET 7.0 Azure App Service Instance? 1/18/2023 Watch
如何查看 Azure App Service 安装的所有 .NET Framework 版本 List all installed .NET Framework versions in Azure App Service 1/16/2023 Watch
Azure App Service 只允许特定IP访问 How to Allow Only Particular IP to Access Azure App Service 1/7/2023 Watch
如何在Azure Cloud Shell中获取GUID(Bash及PowerShell) How to Get GUID in Azure Cloud Shell (Bash and PowerShell) 1/2/2023 Watch
无需删机重建,分分钟给Azure虚拟机更换IP地址 Change IP Address for Azure VM without recreating it 1/1/2023 Watch
不写任何代码,为 Azure Static Web App 网站设置访问密码 Enable Password for Azure Static Web App without Writing Any Code 11/22/2022 Watch
谁说一定要GitHub Action?教你从本地编译和部署 Azure Static Web App! Build and Deploy Azure Static Web App from Local Machine without GitHub Action 11/18/2022 Watch
如何将 Azure Storage Queue 的消息移到另一个队列 Move Message to Another Queue in Azure Storage Queue 11/4/2022 Watch
如何在 Azure 上创建带有 TPM 安全芯片的虚拟机 Create VM with TPM on Azure 10/31/2022 Watch
在 Azure 存储账户里跑 Blazor WASM 应用 Run Blazor WASM App in Azure Storage Account 10/25/2022 Watch
在 Azure 上抓取 Windows Server 虚拟机镜像用于创建其他虚拟机 Capture VM Image for Windows Server on Azure to create other VMs 10/24/2022 Watch
在Azure存储账户里跑Vue应用 Run Vue App in Azure Storage Account 10/22/2022 Watch
Azure 存储账户如何定期提醒更新密钥 How to set key rotation reminder for Azure Storage Account 10/21/2022 Watch
如何查看 Azure App Service 所有安装的.NET SDK及运行时版本 View .NET SDK and Runtime Versions in Azure App Service 10/17/2022 Watch
在Azure存储账户里跑Angular应用 Run Angular App in Azure Storage Account 10/16/2022 Watch
如何在 Azure VM 启动时发 Email 通知管理员 Send Email Notification When Azure VM Starts 10/14/2022 Watch
如何获取 Azure SQL 数据库审计日志 How to get audit logs from Azure SQL Database 10/5/2022 Watch
系统盘不够用?点点鼠标给Azure VM系统盘扩容 How to expand OS disk size for Azure VM 9/27/2022 Watch
自带硬盘不够用?点点鼠标给Azure VM添加新硬盘 How to add hard disk to Azure VM 9/26/2022 Watch
无需进操作系统改设置,点点鼠标就能给Azure VM配置自定义DNS Change DNS for Azure VM without touching OS settings 9/25/2022 Watch
有钱任性,我非要用Bastion从浏览器远程桌面Azure VM! RDP into Azure VM from Web Browser with Bastion 8/20/2022 Watch
还在人肉996听写?使用 Azure Speech Service 全自动从录音中提取文字! Get Text Transcription from Audio by Azure Speech Service 8/3/2022 Watch
告别微软龟速推送,自己动手给 Azure App Service 安装最新 How to Install Latest .NET Runtime on Azure App Service 7/23/2022 Watch
拒绝Azure Bastion智商税,教你如何从浏览器SSH进入Azure VM! SSH into Azure VM from Web Browser without Bastion 7/21/2022 Watch
在 Azure App Service 上创建和使用虚拟目录 Create and Map Virtual Directory in Azure App Service 7/18/2022 Watch
Azure Bastion贵到落魄街头?不交智商税也能从浏览器远程桌面Azure VM! RDP into Azure VM from Web Browser without Bastion 7/17/2022 Watch
在 Azure App Service for Linux 上查看系统字体列表 View System Fonts List in Azure App Service for Linux 7/15/2022 Watch
如何将Azure Storage Table复制到另一个存储账户 How to Copy Azure Storage Table to Another Storage Account 5/18/2022 Watch
如何在微软Azure上架设CSGO服务器(带插件、自定义地图) N/A 5/3/2022 Watch
如何配置Azure App Service只有虚拟内网能访问 Configure Azure App Service to be Accessed from Virtual Network Only 4/26/2022 Watch
如何在Azure Container Registry上匿名拉取Docker镜像 Enable Anonymous Docker Pull on Azure Container Registry 4/24/2022 Watch
Azure Container Registry 如何防止删库跑路 Prevent Deleting Repository in Azure Container Registry 4/23/2022 Watch
无需安装Docker也无需云VM,使用 Azure Container Registry 分分钟编译Docker镜像 Build Docker Image with Azure Container Registry 4/22/2022 Watch
删库不跑路,点点鼠标恢复被删除的Azure存储账户 Recover Deleted Azure Storage Account 4/15/2022 Watch
如何将Excel数据导入Azure Table存储 Export Excel Data to Azure Table Storage 4/14/2022 Watch
更改Azure Function的Node.js版本 Change Node.js Version in Azure Function 4/13/2022 Watch
在Azure虚拟机上开启DDOS攻击保护 Enable DDOS Protection for Azure VM 4/5/2022 Watch
在Azure存储账户里跑React应用 Run React App in Azure Storage Account 4/2/2022 Watch
如何在 Azure VM 上启用网络加速 How to Enable Accelerated Networking on Azure VM 2/13/2022 Watch
更改Azure Ubuntu VM的SSH端口号 How to Change SSH Port in Azure Ubuntu VM 2/5/2022 Watch
文件被覆盖前功尽弃?点点鼠标保留Azure存储账户文件历史版本! How to Preserve File History Versions in Azure Storage Account 2/4/2022 Watch
家里电脑还在不关机做NAS?点点鼠标2分钟把Azure存储账户变网盘! How to Mount Azure Storage Account as a Network Drive in Windows 2/3/2022 Watch
忘记密码只能删机重建?点点鼠标重置Azure VM密码! How to Reset Azure VM Password 2/2/2022 Watch
还在用原始人的远程桌面?点点鼠标在Azure VM上安装Windows Admin Center Install Windows Admin Center on Azure VM 2/1/2022 Watch
Azure VM 如何防止误删除跑路 Prevent Accidentally Deleting Azure VM 1/28/2022 Watch
还在996配let's encrypt?点点鼠标1分钟在 Azure App Service 上免费薅HTTPS证书! How to Get Free HTTPS Certificate on Azure App Service 1/25/2022 Watch
如何在 Azure App Service 上获取内存转储文件 Get Memory Dump in Azure App Service 1/7/2022 Watch
在 Azure 虚拟机上配置私有DNS域 Setup Private DNS Zone for Your Azure VM 1/6/2022 Watch
如何在 Azure App Service 上反向代理另一个网站 How to Reverse Proxy Another Website on Azure App Service 1/4/2022 Watch
如何查看 Azure App Services 的根证书 (Windows / Linux) View Root Certificates in Azure App Services (Windows / Linux) 1/3/2022 Watch
在Azure App Service中用Docker跑React应用 Run React App in Docker with Azure App Service 12/23/2021 Watch
不想用Docker Hub?从Azure Container Registry私有仓库里部署React应用 Don't like Docker Hub? Deploy React App from Private Azure Container Registry 12/22/2021 Watch
在Docker中编译运行React应用并部署到Azure Container Instance Build and run an React App in Docker with Azure Container Instance 12/21/2021 Watch
在 Azure Function v4 上使用自定义路由前缀 Use Custom Route Prefix on Azure Function v4 12/14/2021 Watch
在 Azure 的 Ubuntu Server 上安装桌面环境以及 RDP 远程桌面 Install Desktop and RDP for Ubuntu Server on Azure 12/10/2021 Watch
Azure CLI 一键快速部署 Moonglade 博客系统(Linux + Docker) Quick Deploy Moonglade Blog System on Azure (Linux + Docker) 12/9/2021 Watch
在Ubuntu Server中同步Azure Storage Blob容器 How to mount Azure Storage Blob on Ubuntu Server 9/18/2021 Watch

* Publish date is in China Standard Time