Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure


Solving NuGet Package Target Naming Conflict

In my ASP.NET Core project, I encountered an issue where files from the tinymce NuGet package were not being copied to the wwwroot\lib directory during the build process, despite referencing both tinymce and Moonglade.MonacoEditor packages. Each package included a .targets file with a Target named CopyScriptsToProject, resulting in a conflict where the latter target overwrote the former, causing only Moonglade.MonacoEditor files to be copied. To resolve this, I renamed the targets in each .targets file to ensure uniqueness.
.NET NuGet

How to Pack a .NET Core Class Library and Upload to NuGet

NuGet is the package manager of the. NET world, we can both use official website nuget.org, or build our own corporate and private servers. Now, with . NET Core, it's easier than ever to pack and upload a NuGet package, let's take a look! NuGet Account If you want your package to be used by every .NET developers in the world, then you need to have a nuget.org account to upload your own package.  …
.NET NuGet


NuGet 是.NET程序员熟知的给.NET项目自动配置安装library的工具,现在已经整合在了VS2010 SP1和VS2012里。但有时候,尤其在某些公司内部,因为公司防火墙,VS是没办法连接NuGet服务器的。所以我们需要自己架设一个私服。 一、网站构建 首先,确保你的机器在互联网上,并且能够访问NuGet服务器。 创建一个空的ASP.NET网站,选择Framework4(因为考虑到部署问题,很多服务器还没有装.NET4.5,所以我们只能选4) 接下来,用NuGet为这个Web Project安装“NuGet.Server”库。这也是为什么我们需要这台机器能够连接互联网的原因。 安装成功后,你的Solution会变成这样一个结构。并且不需要写任何代码或更改任何配置,它已经可以运行了。但是注意,Packages里只有一个readme.txt,这个目录是用来放NuGet包的。所以现 …
Visual Studio NuGet