Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure


Upgrade WinForms Apps from .NET Core 3.0 to 3.1

I upgraded a WinForms App to .NET Core 3.1 these days. It's an open-source on-screen ruler created by Jeff Key in 2004, the original code was for .NET Framework 2.0, I've already upgraded it to .NET Core 3.0 in September this year, it was very smooth without any code change. But this time, .NET Core 3.1 does require some code changes.  The project is on my GitHub: https://github.com/EdiWang/ …
.NET WinForm

About Per Monitor-DPI aware for WinForms Applications

WinForms is the traditional .NET desktop application workload running on Windows. For historical reasons, there are some problems with its support for high DPI and for different DPI screens, and this article explores the possible solutions. Windows "96" PPI history The default DPI for Windows systems (more precisely called PPI) is 96. PPI means pixel per inch, which means how many pixels are …
.NET WinForm DPI