Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in 六月 2019

Building a .NET Core URL Forward Service

I recently built a URL forward service named “Link Forwarder” using .NET Core 2.2. It’s open source and currently having a preview version deployed to my subdomain “go.edi.wang”. This article will share how I built it and what I learned. To help you understand the system and walk through the code, please check my GitHub repository for this project: https://github.com/EdiWang/LinkForwarder The …

IP Rate Limit for ASP.NET Core

In websites or API applications, we often want to block high-frequency requests in a short period of time for an IP to prevent boring people or malicious attacks. In ASP.NET Core, limiting the request rate of IP is now super easy, let's see. AspNetCoreRateLimit There's already a nice library for limiting request rate, called AspNetCoreRateLimit. GitHub: https://github.com/stefanprodan/ …