Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Application Insight

Log User Identity Information to Azure Application Insights

Azure Application Insights is a very powerful APM tool for monitoring web applications. However, not all features that we sometimes require come out of the box. I now have an ASP.NET Core Web API application that uses JWT authentication. I would like to log user's identity when there is a failed request. Let's see how to do it. …
Azure Application Insight

Migrate Azure Application Insights to ASP.NET Core 3.0

.NET Core 3.0 will be released at this month's .NET Conf conference, many of my friends, including me, couldn't wait to use the preview version to migrate our apps. Fortunately, starting with Preview 7, the API surface is final and can be treated as an RC version. There should be no API difference between preview 7, 8, 9 and RTM. Today I will talk about migration tips for Azure Application …
.NET Azure Application Insight

Integrate Azure Application Insight Data into Your Own App

Microsoft Azure has a very powerful monitoring tool called Application Insights. It can monitor every aspect of our web application, including client and server metrics, error details, performance and so on. My blog is also using Application Insights, but everytime I want to see the data, I have to go to Azure portal, even for the basic metrics like page views or server response time. I want a …
Azure Application Insight

How to move Microsoft Azure Application Insights

本文目前仅适用于国际版的Azure,国内版没有Application Insight服务,请注意。如果你还没有感受过Application Insight这个人类的最新希望,可以到大微软的Channel 9电视台学习一下:http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Application-Insights-for-Visual-Studio-Online 另外,本文所说的迁移方法不会保留Application Insight的历史数据,如果你看到这里就想喷:你TM在逗我?这叫什么迁移? 。。。 那还是别往下看了。我的标题叫迁移,是因为我实在找不到别的词了。 如果你换了个Microsoft Azure的订阅,怎么迁移以往的ASP.NET, WP工程上面已经配置好的Application Insight呢?目前Azure Portal没有提供更改订阅的功能。所以我们只能在
Visual Studio Azure Application Insight