Previously, in Silverlight Runtime, to set a minimized toolbar, you would simply set the 'Mode' property of the 'ApplicationBar' to 'Minimized'.

<shell:ApplicationBar IsMenuEnabled="False" Mode="Minimized">

In Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime, this 'Mode' property no longer exists. Even if you do not add any buttons or menus, it appears minimized in the XAML designer, but it will still be expanded when run. For example, with this code:

    <CommandBar Background="#0072BC" Foreground="White" />

The effect in the XAML designer:

The effect when running:

After researching on Stack Overflow, it turns out that the 'CommandBar' has a new property 'ClosedDisplayMode' that can achieve the 'Minimized' effect. Please note that this property should be added to the 'CommandBar', not the 'Page.BottomAppBar'.

    <CommandBar Background="#0072BC" Foreground="White" ClosedDisplayMode="Minimal" />