Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in October 2015

How to Redirect Old Domain URL to New Domain in IIS

When you change the domain name for your website, you are definitely going to solve the migration problem. You cannot just stop DNS on your old domain, because this will cause your indexed pages to be deleted by search engines. The correct way is to tell the search engine that you have a new domain name now, which is when the user accesses an old URL, redirect it to the new URL. Take my blog …

Windows 10 UWP开发:自定义标题栏

UWP和WPF以及以前Windows 8.1的WinRT应用有些不一样的地方。首先就是标题栏,以前Windows 8.1的应用都是全屏的,没有标题栏,Windows 10里面应用可以窗口化运行,所以我们也能够利用标题栏做一些定制。本文针对初学者,可能写的比较啰嗦。 一、首先是最基本的,如何改变标题栏及按钮的颜色 标题栏的对象位于Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView类里,有个属性是 public ApplicationViewTitleBar TitleBar { get; } 为了能够访问这个属性,我们需要先取得当前应用窗口的view: var view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView(); 拿到view对象后,就能对TitleBar属性操作了,标题栏的活动和非活动状态的前景色和背景色可以这样设置, …
Windows UWP