Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in June 2021

Identify Users from Different Countries and Regions for Websites on Azure

For websites that need to display different content for users in different countries and regions, we usually identify the user's location based on the IP address. It means we have to write our own code, purchasing and maintaining an IP database, or using a third-party IP data service, it will take huge efforts. How to quickly do it without purchasing an IP database and write a lot of code? …
Azure Front Door

Hosting Static HTML Website with Azure Static Web Apps

When I choose free static website hosting plans, I would use GitHub pages in the past. But now, since the GA of Azure Static Web Apps (SWA), I now have another free of charge option. I've tried to host a few pure HTML/JS website as well as .NET Blazor WASM applications with Azure Static Web Apps. In this post, I'll share how to create a static website by SWA. …