Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure


How to Fix Extended TitleBar Overlapping NavigationView PaneToggleButton

In UWP Apps, we some times extend our main view into title bar to get rid of Windows 10 default title bar. However if you are using NavigationView under extended title bar, you will find your PaneToggleButton overlapped by the title bar. And the user won't be able to click on the upper part of the button because it is where the title bar need to respond to window drag actions. This image shows …

Automatically Set Text Color on Accent Background in UWP

Windows 10 allows users to set accent color for the system, and in UWP apps, we usually honor those settings by using XAML pre-defined resource keys like {ThemeResource SystemControlBackgroundAccentBrush}. But regardless of how the user set default app mode to dark or light, when we apply text on accent colors, it may have some problems. For example, when the App is in light mode, the default …