Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in November 2016

How to make a modal progress dialog in Windows 10 UWP

Windows 10 Mobile上的文件管理器有这样一个进度指示器,它是一个模态框,不带任何按钮,只有进度条和文本: 今天我琢磨了很久,绕了一些弯路,发现其实要做一个这样的模态进度指示器很简单。只要用ContentDialog就行。 平时我们用ContentDialog有些思维定势,就觉得这个对话框一定要提供按钮给用户操作。其实它是可以不设置任何按钮的,这样就有了初步的雏形: XAML C# private async void BtnSitAndRelax_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // show progress await ModalProgressDig.ShowAsync(); } …
Windows UWP

UWP App for the Raspberry Pi Azure Surveillance Camera

I wrote a post about Raspberry Pi Surveillance Camera with Linux and Azure, it was using an ASP.NET website for displaying the photos. I made an UWP client App these days, you can download from here https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblgggzfnv0 (Because WP is already finished, so I don't provide Windows 10 Mobile package) It doesn't allow upload photos, because the photos should all come …
MVVM Binding