Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in September 2022

Move CRON Expression from Hard Code to Configuration in Azure Function App

When creating Azure Function with Timer trigger, we usually write CRON expression in our function code. But when you need to dynamically adjust your timer based on business needs, you will have to update your code and redeploy the function. Let's see how we can remove the hard code CRON expression and put it into configuration that we can easily update on the Azure Portal without redeploy the code …
Azure Azure Function

System Fonts on Azure App Service for Linux

In early this year, I am upgrading my Captcha library, the code that renders text on images blow up when running under Azure App Service for Linux. I can tell from the error message that the font I am using is not installed on Azure App Service's hosting machine. To fix this, I need to find out what fonts are there in Azure App Service for Linux. Let's see how to do it. …
Azure Linux