Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in February 2025

How to Organize Azure Resource Group Efficiently

In Azure, Resource Groups are a key concept for managing resources. They provide a logical way to group related resources, making it easier to manage and control access. However, as your cloud environment git bigger, organizing Resource Groups becomes more difficult. This blog post explains common practices for using Azure Resource Groups. These tips will help you manage and organize your resources more effectively! Key features of Resource Group are: Group related resources together for easier management. Deleting a resource group also deletes all resources inside it. Assign roles and permissions at the resource group level (IAM).
Azure DevOps


在日常工作中,特别是报销或财务处理时,经常会遇到这样的问题:如何从一堆发票中找到金额满足某个值的最优组合?假设我们有一组发票,每张发票以文件名的形式存储,文件名包含发票金额,例如 酒店-996.35.pdf 打车-251.00 医疗-404.00 。我们的目标是从这些发票中,找到金额总和 至少等于目标金额 的最优组合,并且总金额尽可能接近目标金额。要解决这个问题,我们可以将其看作一个 背包问题的变种,即在给定一组发票的情况下,找到满足条件的金额组合。本文的算法采用 回溯法 来实现,逐步尝试每种可能的组合,并记录满足条件的最佳结果。
C# Algorithm