Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure


Windows 10 UWP: How to Debug OnFileActivated Launch Failure

Today I am working on my Image Portray App, and I get my code blown up. The problem is, when the App is already started, it can open .ink file with double click from a file. But when the App is not launched, opening a .ink file to start the App will make it crash. As other UWP that supports file type association, I also use OnFileActivated event to launch my App. This kind of problem could not be …
Debug Visual Studio UWP

Remote Deploy and Debug UWP Apps

These days I am developing an App that need to be tested on multiple languages environment. I can set my local dev box to different language, and restart or sign out / sign in to Windows again to test different languages. But this is very inconvenient. I want to setup a Windows 10 virtual machine with Chinese language and let Visual Studio 2017 deploy and debug the App right into the VM. Back the …
Debug UWP

VS2012在Surface RT上远程调试App

最近蛋疼,所以废话不多,直接切入正题。首先这次要说的是Surface RT,是RT版的,ARM处理器的,别弄错了。我们要做的是把工作机上写好的程序放在Surface RT远程调试,而不是在本机和模拟器中运行。 第一步,在Surface RT上安装微软官方的debugger:http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9810474 这个debugger是桌面环境下运行的,安装的时候需要管理员权限。 装完以后,开始屏幕上会出现这两个图标,我们要用的是第一个:Remote Debugger。 启动Remote Debugger,正常情况会让你配一些Windows防火墙,你可以完全按照向导来,最终会出现一个Monitor对话框,证明debugger已经在监听连接了。 接下来有个比较有技巧的地方,如果你的Surface RT上的当前用户和开发程序的机器的登录帐户不一样,建 …
Debug Visual Studio Windows Surface ARM

Use Visual Studio to Remotely Debug Program on a VMWare Virtual Machine

I'm using VMWare8, and I was given a Visual Studio plug-in when I installed it, which seems to be used for cross-machine debugging. That is, debugging the program in the virtual machine on the VS of the host, it looks very awesome, so I studied it a little. Here's how to do it. I've built a very simple console program to demonstrate. Breakpoints are added to the main function entry point. Step 1: Start the virtual machine, I use an XP virtual machine, remember to install VMWare Tools, to debug. .NET programs also need to install the corresponding .NET Framework.
Debug VMWare