Recently, I have been organizing my blog data and needed to perform an operation to merge article categories. On my blog, articles and categories have a many-to-many relationship. That is, one article can belong to multiple categories, and one category can contain multiple articles. This is a very typical many-to-many relationship, and I use a many-to-many table with a composite primary key to associate this data. What I need to do is move articles from the "DotNetBeginner" category to the "CSharpAndDotNet" category. However, since some of the articles originally in the "DotNetBeginner" category also belong to "CSharpAndDotNet", directly updating the association table would result in duplicate composite keys, which would cause issues.
今天做了次数据库迁移,目的是开个最新版的Azure SQL Database(V12 Update),然后把博客的数据库迁移到新的server上去。按以往的做法(也就是我曾经写过的《图解:如何将SQL Server数据库迁移到SQL Azure 》),把bacpac文件下载下来,然后import到新的数据里,结果爆了: 爆炸是因为Web Tier和Business Tier在最新版的Azure上面已经被微软撸掉了,SSMS 2014却没有升级,不认识这两个Tier,还在用老的Web Tier。 TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.
有时候我们需要在EF里直接执行参数化的SQL语句,如果有返回,就要把结果映射成C#对象集合。貌似是从EF4.2开始(4.0写法不一样)提供了DbContext.Database.SqlQuery()的API可以直接执行SQL。但是如果碰到可控类型的参数,比如Guid?,就会爆。 看一个例子,定义的SQL语句如下: string sql = @"SELECT p2.Id AS PeriodId, p2.Title AS PeriodTitle, u.UserId AS UserId, u.DisplayName AS