Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure


Windows 10 UWP Development: How to Implement WP8's Pivot Effect

The animation effect of the Pivot widget in UWP is different from the previous Pivot in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, when switching PivotItem, the header of the currently selected Item will not run to the first one, but simply highlight the current Tab like a Tab tab. Personally, I like Windows 8's Pivot, which is like this GIF (which is a UWP app I'm working on). If you also like the traditional style of Pivot, you can refer to the following methods.
Windows UWP

Windows 10 UWP开发:自定义标题栏

UWP和WPF以及以前Windows 8.1的WinRT应用有些不一样的地方。首先就是标题栏,以前Windows 8.1的应用都是全屏的,没有标题栏,Windows 10里面应用可以窗口化运行,所以我们也能够利用标题栏做一些定制。本文针对初学者,可能写的比较啰嗦。 一、首先是最基本的,如何改变标题栏及按钮的颜色 标题栏的对象位于Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView类里,有个属性是 public ApplicationViewTitleBar TitleBar { get; } 为了能够访问这个属性,我们需要先取得当前应用窗口的view: var view = ApplicationView.GetForCurrentView(); 拿到view对象后,就能对TitleBar属性操作了,标题栏的活动和非活动状态的前景色和背景色可以这样设置, …
Windows UWP