Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

Windows Development UWP, WPF, WinForm, etc

10 Tricks and Tools for Windows 10 UWP Development

After Windows 10's launch. More and more UWP applications are coming as well as more Windows developers. I have been doing UWP development besides my job for more than 2 years. Today, I will share some tips and tricks from my UWP development experience as well as some handy tools, so that you can do your development quicker and easier. 1. Automatically Set Color to Title Bar The default color …

Windows 10 UWP: Undo / Redo Ink with Surface Dial

The Surface Dial is the first wheel device in a new input device class. I got my hand on one as soon as it came to market in China. I have a UWP App named "Image Portray", as a drawing app that can make use of the Surface Dial. One of it's useful application to undo / redo the ink by turning the Surface Dial. You can download it from Windows Store these days to see the changes. So, let's begin …
Windows Surface UWP

Windows 10 UWP: Undo / Redo on InkCanvas

The InkCanvas in UWP only got pens by default, it can not perform Undo or Redo. To implement this, we will need to code for ourselves. Official document covered Undo functionalilty, but not redo. Today, I have successfully done it, and I'd like to share with you. First, you need to add two custom buttons on the InkToolbar for Undo / Redo 1. Undo the Ink We need a few APIs. To …

Remote Deploy and Debug UWP Apps

These days I am developing an App that need to be tested on multiple languages environment. I can set my local dev box to different language, and restart or sign out / sign in to Windows again to test different languages. But this is very inconvenient. I want to setup a Windows 10 virtual machine with Chinese language and let Visual Studio 2017 deploy and debug the App right into the VM. Back the …
Debug UWP

How to Save InkCavas to Image in Windows 10 UWP

The InkCanvas control in Windows 10 UWP is not like WPF where you can save as image file easily. If you want to save user ink to an image file, there's by far only one way to do it: 1. Install Win2D.UWP via NuGet into your project. PM> Install-Package Win2D.UWP 2. Because we need to access user's picture library, so we need to apply the permission in manifest file. Select "Pictures Library" …
Windows UWP

Azure Fire Alarm by Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core

防火是日常生活中非常重要的意识,如果你恰好有Windows 10的设备,比如Lumia,Surface,能及时收到火警是至(mei)关(sha)重(luan)要(yong)的。今天就教大家如何用Microsoft Azure公有云+Windows 10 IoT Core在树莓派上实现一个远程火警系统。阅读这篇文章,你需要的前置知识:Windows 10,UWP的基本开发能力,MVVM基础知识,ASP.NET MVC的基础知识,树莓派、GPIO及逻辑电路的基本知识(也就是大学里的计算机电路),Azure公有云的使用经验……当然,还要有对微软的信仰
Windows Azure IoT Raspberry Pi

Create QR Code in Windows 10 UWP

A year ago, I wrote an UWP application that can generate QR Code. However, at that time, the QR Code library I used was ZXing.Net, the last update for this package was in 2014. Now, time has changed, the author of ZXing.Net seems not to update the package any more. However, we have to move on, so I found a fantastic new library to generate QR Code in .NET applications: QRCoder To use that package, …

Get system font and characters in Windows 10 UWP

There used to be a {x:Static Fonts.SystemFontFamilies} in WPF that can bind to system font list very easy. However, this is gong in UWP! How stupid it is! These days I wrote a character map UWP application, that would use system fonts, so I did some research. In order to get system font in UWP, we must use DirectX. Install these 3 NuGet pacakges into your project: "SharpDX": "3.0.1", " …
Windows UWP DirectX

How to Remove ListView Default Selection in Windows 10 UWP

A lot of people including me has encounter a problem where on UWP apps, if a ListView control is being data binded, it will get a default selected item like this: It not only will display as selected item, it also fires SelectionChanged event. However, if we want to make ListView clickable, a popular way is to write the SelectionChanged event handler like this: private void StationsList_ …
Windows UWP

How to make a modal progress dialog in Windows 10 UWP

Windows 10 Mobile上的文件管理器有这样一个进度指示器,它是一个模态框,不带任何按钮,只有进度条和文本: 今天我琢磨了很久,绕了一些弯路,发现其实要做一个这样的模态进度指示器很简单。只要用ContentDialog就行。 平时我们用ContentDialog有些思维定势,就觉得这个对话框一定要提供按钮给用户操作。其实它是可以不设置任何按钮的,这样就有了初步的雏形: XAML C# private async void BtnSitAndRelax_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // show progress await ModalProgressDig.ShowAsync(); } …
Windows UWP