Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in April 2016

74HC595 4 Digits LED Tube with Windows 10

One of the commonly used LED Tube driver chip is 74HC595, by using the Chip, you can save GPIO ports. I bought an LED Tube with 595 chip, it only needs 3 GPIO ports to display 4 digits. However, there is no existing posts about how to drive the 74HC595 LED Tube from Windows 10. So, I can only try for myself. …
Windows IoT Raspberry Pi

Using stepper motor in Windows 10 IoT Core

If you need to precisely control the rotation angle of the equipment, ordinary motors can't do it, usually we use stepper motors. For example, the 28BYJ-48 model is easy to buy. The stepper motor has to be used with the driver board, and the most commonly used is the driver board ULN2003 the chip, as shown in the figure below. However, note that the driver board you buy may not look the same, but it doesn't matter, as long as the chip is written on the ULN2003, you can use it, and their interfaces are the same.
Windows IoT Raspberry Pi

Sound Controlled Light by Windows 10 IoT Core

In many buildings, there are sound controlled light in use. When you clap your hands, the light turns on. Now, with Raspberry Pi 3 and Windows 10 IoT, we can make a sound controlled light ourselves. The sound sensor I use is FC-04. As other sensors, the first step is calibration. 1. Calibration for FC-04 Sound Sensor In quiet environment. Connect VCC to DC 3.3V,GND to Ground. At that time, the …
Windows UWP IoT Raspberry Pi

Windows 10 IoT: Detect Range with HC-04 Ultrasonic Sensor on Raspberry Pi 3

HC-04是树莓派上用的比较广泛的超声波传感器,可以用来测量设备和物体之间的距离。可惜网上的资料很少有针对Windows 10的,几乎都是Python和C在Linux上的例子。 hackster.io上有一篇用HC-04做雷达的例子,但是设计的部件太多了,对单纯学习HC-04传感器的使用来说这个例子比较复杂。搜了一圈,英文资料最好的是这篇:http://www.guruumeditation.net/en/digital-io-with-windows-10-iot-raspberry-pi-2-and-the-ultrasonic-ranging-module-hc-sr04/ 国内中文资料介绍Windows 10上HC-04传感器的文章似乎还没有,所以就简单总结一下步骤。 一、物理连接 对于没有多少物理和电子知识基础的人(比如我)来说,第一步连线是比较难的。很多文章都一笔带过说“这很 …
Windows UWP IoT Raspberry Pi