Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Posts in December 2019

2019 年终回顾:不忘初心,负重前行

2019 年就要接近尾声,这一年对于我来说,有许多有意义的事件。我成长了许多,并依然保持着对技术的热情。在辞旧迎新之际,我想回顾一下我这一年中有意义的事件与收获,期待与大家一起在2020年继续成就不凡! 微软 MVP 全球峰会 今年3月,我有幸参加了在美国雷德蒙微软总部举办的MVP全球峰会,这是我第二次去美国,第一次去西雅图。我从小就崇拜比尔·盖茨先生及他创办的伟大的微软公司,而去微软总部参观,可以说是“朝圣”,我儿时的梦想之一终于实现,这次MVP全球峰会总算是拔了颗0x14年的草了。 (图:呼吸着微软总部的空气) 微软总部的园区非常大,需要乘坐 shuttle bus 穿梭于各个大楼之间。我们的会场在 Building 33,即 Microsoft Conference Center。4天的大会日程非常充实,可以了解到还未发布的新功能,也可以大量汲取其他MVP分享自己的技术精髓。 会 …
Azure Microsoft MVP

How to Allow Only Selected Users to Access an Application in Azure AD

My blog supports Azure AD authentication. I created the Azure AD application inside Visual Studio, by default, all users under my Azure AD will have access to my blog's admin portal. This is not ideal for an enterprise application that needs to limit access for only a few selected users or groups. Let's see how to configure an Application in Azure AD to enable access for just a few users. Make …
Azure Azure AD

Upgrade WinForms Apps from .NET Core 3.0 to 3.1

I upgraded a WinForms App to .NET Core 3.1 these days. It's an open-source on-screen ruler created by Jeff Key in 2004, the original code was for .NET Framework 2.0, I've already upgraded it to .NET Core 3.0 in September this year, it was very smooth without any code change. But this time, .NET Core 3.1 does require some code changes.  The project is on my GitHub: https://github.com/EdiWang/ …
.NET WinForm

Try the New Azure .NET SDK

Recently, Microsoft unveiled a new Azure .NET SDK, it's not a simple version upgrade, but a major change in the programming experience. While it may take a while to adapt to the new SDK, it is worth learning. The new SDK is more powerful, more flexible and easier to use. Current Status of Azure .NET SDKs Currently, the official packages for .NET SDKs for Azure are confusing and unfriendly to new …
.NET Azure SDK