Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

Front Door

Identify Users from Different Countries and Regions for Websites on Azure

For websites that need to display different content for users in different countries and regions, we usually identify the user's location based on the IP address. It means we have to write our own code, purchasing and maintaining an IP database, or using a third-party IP data service, it will take huge efforts. How to quickly do it without purchasing an IP database and write a lot of code? …
Azure Front Door

How to Prevent Access to App Service Url Behind Azure Front Door

In my previous posts, I have introduced usage of Azure Front Door. However, when we finish setting up the front door and bind our domain to the front door, users can still access the App Service URL. In this post, I'll introduce how to prevent access to our App Service when using Azure Front Door. Problem For example, my blog is binding https://edi.wang to my front door, I have 2 App Services …
Azure App Service Front Door

Load Balancing My Blog on Azure

In order to improve the page loading speed of my blog for US users, I deployed an App Service in West US region on Azure some time ago. Now I have 2 servers running my blog, East Asia and West US. In this post, I'm going to illustrate how to use Azure to load balancing these servers, so that users can get access to the closest server for their regions. Adding Identifier Tags Since the codes …
Azure App Service Front Door

Configure URL Redirect on Azure Front Door

Azure Front Door is a global entry point service for websites. Including features like DDOS, WAF, website failover. I have introduced it in "A Brief Introduction for Azure Front Door". This article specifically introduces the usage of URL redirection in Azure Front Door. When to do URL redirection URL redirection is mainly used to redirect users to a new location of a resource. The most common …
Azure Front Door

Solving Azure AD Sign In Failure with Azure Front Door

Today I am migrating my blog to use Azure Front Door which I have introduced in a previous blog post last year. Everything went well except for the blog admin sign in. I configured my blog to Azure AD as SSO. But after I put the blog behind Azure Front Door with my custom domain, OIDC Redirect URL just blow up. OIDC Redirection Failure When I tried to sign in, the redirection URL suddenly went to …
Azure Azure AD Front Door

A Brief Introduction for Azure Front Door

Microsoft Azure had an incident on 11/20, which its Front Door service got a bad deployment and blown-up Office 365, Bing, Azure DevOps, etc. Microsoft engineers very quickly fixed the issue. But Azure Front Door caught my eye, it is new to me. So I took a look. Azure Front Door Typically, when we deploy our web applications to Azure App Service or other clouds, the network flow of a …
Azure Front Door