Edi Wang

Microsoft MVP for Azure

.NET C# Programming Language and .NET Platform

ASP.NET Core Unit Test: How to Mock Url.Page()

Problem In ASP.NET Core, when you use extension methods on UrlHelperExtensions class, it would be difficult to write Mock in unit test. Because Moq doesn't support mocking extension methods. For example, the following code that I use in my blog is using Url.Page() method: var callbackUrl = Url.Page("/Index", null, null, Request.Scheme); But in my unit test, mocking like this will throw …
ASP.NET Unit Test

RMB capitalization converter in Blazor WASM

.NET 5 正式发布已经有一段时间了,其中 Blazor 技术是该版本的亮点之一。作为微软技术的被坑者,年少的我曾经以为 SilverLight 能血虐 Flash,Zune 能团灭 iPod,WP 能吊打 iPhone,UWP 能统一全平台…… 可是后…… 最终步入大龄程序员的我发现,只有陪伴了我将近 20 年的 ASP.NET 还没有完蛋。于是我这两天花了点时间,尝试将我的一个 UWP 小工具用 Blazor 重写,分享给大家。 无法抢救的 UWP “人民币大写转换器” 是我年少无知时开发的小工具之一,它的主要功能有: - 将数字金额转化为大写中文 - 复制结果 - 使用中文语音朗读结果 - 显示参照表 可惜 UWP 不论是充满 Bug 的 SDK,Runtime,还是微软的龟速更新与混乱的规划,都已经无可救药了,是时候给应用找个新家了。 Blazor Blazor 是 .NET
.NET Blazor WASM

ASP.NET Core 5.0 Throughput Test in Kestrel, IIS, Nginx and Caddy

Starting from version 2.2, ASP.NET Core allow you to use the InProcess mode to improve performance under IIS. Rick Strahl has a detailed article on this. Three years have passed, and now ASP.NET Core has reached version 5.0, how the performance diffs between servers? Let's take a look together. Rick's Test Result In the original article, Rick Strahl tested the performance of ASP.NET Core 2.2 in …

Migrating an ASP.NET Core Web API Project to Azure Function

Some time ago, I successfully migrated an ASP.NET Core Web API project to the latest Azure Function V3, thereby taking advantage of the serverless features of the Azure platform to reduce operation and maintenance costs by 10 times. This article will introduce the key steps and practices in the migration process to help you migrate similar Web API projects. Project background This Web API …
.NET Web API Azure Azure Function

How to Use the Latest .NET Core Runtime on Azure App Service

Microsoft often releases updates to .NET Core, usually as security patches. This morning, the .NET Core 3.1.5 update was released. However, Azure App Service's own .NET Core runtime will not be updated immediately, and we would usually wait a few weeks before Microsoft rolls out the update to Azure. For applications with high security requirements, it is urgent to complete the update before …
.NET Azure App Service

My ASP.NET Core Route Debugger Middleware

Background In the ancient days of the .NET Framework, there was a RouteDebugger that outputs routing information for the current page in an MVC or web API app, or sees all the routing information registered in the app. The latest version of its NuGet package is 2.1.5, updated in 2016, from an article by Phil Haack 12 years ago https://haacked.com/archive/2008/03/13/url-routing-debugger.aspx …
.NET Middleware

Docker Support for My .NET Core Blog System on Azure

"Moonglade", the open-source blog system used by my blog (https://edi.wang), has been around for over a year. At least four community friends have used the system to deploy their own blogs on Azure and Alibaba Cloud. Unfortunately, the system has long lacked Docker support, which is the political correctness of today's world. Recently things have changed, and I successfully made my blog system run …
Azure Linux Docker

How to Check If .NET Core Program is Running under Remote Desktop

There are a few reasons that we need to know if our program is running under the Windows Remote Desktop (RDP) session. For example, if it is running under RDP, we may disable animation and other fancy graphics effects. But how can we detect if our program is currently under RDP? Let's see. Windows Forms If you are developing Windows Forms Apps using .NET Core 3.x, there's a built-in API that can …
.NET Windows Remote Desktop

Performance Optimization for My .NET Core Blog on Azure

I rewrote my blog system with .NET Core last year. After more than a year of optimization, the server response time is now 8ms comparing to 80ms when it first went live. This article shares what I have done to make my blog works really fast. In fact, before .NET Core, my old blog system was written by .NET Framework, built from ASP.NET Web Form 2.0 in 2008 all the way up to ASP.NET MVC5 in 2018. …
.NET Azure CDN

Upgrade WinForms Apps from .NET Core 3.0 to 3.1

I upgraded a WinForms App to .NET Core 3.1 these days. It's an open-source on-screen ruler created by Jeff Key in 2004, the original code was for .NET Framework 2.0, I've already upgraded it to .NET Core 3.0 in September this year, it was very smooth without any code change. But this time, .NET Core 3.1 does require some code changes.  The project is on my GitHub: https://github.com/EdiWang/ …
.NET WinForm