Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

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.NET成人礼 | 还记得20年前一起拖过的控件吗?

每一代人都有记忆里的味道。煤球炉、黑白电视机是属于父母的记忆。而“拖控件”式编程,启蒙了无数像我这样的80后(嗯,89也算80后)。 经典旧世 2000 年那个时候,上海这样的城市里也不是每家每户都有电脑,我家也没有电脑。我在学校经常听几位家里条件不错的同学说他们玩电脑的事情。CIH、千年虫等名词让我对电脑有着非常强烈的好奇心。而我第一次体验到计算机,是在我母亲单位的机房里。它是一台卧式机箱、15寸 CRT 凸面屏显示器的 Windows 95 电脑。 当时的微软对我来说就是神的存在。因为我认识电脑到使用电脑的一切几乎都离不开这家伟大的公司,它就像上帝一样开天辟地,创造了PC上的万物。Windows、Office、IE 这些当年几乎是唯一的主流产品。而微软的创始人之一比尔·盖茨也成了我的偶像。还记得当年,上海有个PC专题的电视频道,有一天该频道播放了比尔盖茨关于.NET战略的演讲,啥也不懂 …

Azure Remote Controlled Light with .NET Core 3.0 on Raspberry Pi

3 years ago, I wrote a blog post "Azure Remote Controlled Light with Windows 10 IoT Core", which is an experiment to sending a signal from your home and it will travel around the world then come back to your home to turn on an LED light on your Raspberry Pi. 3 years later, Windows 10 IoT Core and UWP seem not living so well. Microsoft doesn't have a new build of Windows 10 to support the latest …
.NET Azure Raspberry Pi Linux

This Blog Now Runs on .NET Core 3.0 and Azure

Microsoft shipped .NET Core 3.0 GA on Sep 23rd with tons of new features and improvements. This blog has been updated to .NET Core 3.0 and still runs on Microsoft Azure with SCD deployment type on App Service. This blog post summarizes all key points for my blog migration. Starting with .NET Core 3.0 preview 8, I've been investigating migration for this blog, from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.0. …
.NET Azure

Migrate Azure Application Insights to ASP.NET Core 3.0

.NET Core 3.0 will be released at this month's .NET Conf conference, many of my friends, including me, couldn't wait to use the preview version to migrate our apps. Fortunately, starting with Preview 7, the API surface is final and can be treated as an RC version. There should be no API difference between preview 7, 8, 9 and RTM. Today I will talk about migration tips for Azure Application …
.NET Azure Application Insight

Setup Experimental Machines with Azure DevTest Lab

Programmers and test engineers always need to set up their own environments for development and testing purposes, and these machines may only be in use for a short period of time. Typically, we use virtual machine products such as Hyper-V and VMWare on the local machine, or we use virtual machines assigned by enterprise IT administrators to do the work. However, installing and managing these VMs …
Azure VM Lab Services

Deploy Ontology Blockchain DevTest Machine on Microsoft Azure

Learning blockchain development requires development and test environment. However, it is way too difficult for me to manually set up a dev-test machine because I am completely new to blockchain and it's development workloads. Fortunately, Microsoft Azure offers virtual machine images that allow vendors to publish pre-configured images to the Azure marketplace and distribute them across Azure. …
Azure Blockchain

Create Azure Function App with .NET Core and CD from GitHub

Azure Functions is an event-driven serverless compute platform that can also solve complex orchestration problems. Build and debug locally without additional setup, deploy and operate at scale in the cloud, and integrate services using triggers and bindings. For me, Function can help me quickly develop some simple APIs, and I just need to write business code instead of building fundamental code …
.NET Azure Azure Function GitHub

Create a Private DNS Server without VM on Microsoft Azure

In many companies and organizations, IT administrators typically configure internal private domain names that are inaccessible to the Internet for access to internal resources. For example, if my domain name is edi.wang, I want to use internal.edi.wang for access to the organization's internal resources. We have to install and configure our own DNS server on either Windows or Linux for this in …
Azure DNS

Run ASP.NET Core Websites with Windows Server Core on Azure

Microsoft Azure provides App Service that is fully managed to enable you to run websites. However, in some cases, you may still need an IaaS solution like a VM to host your website. This article will show you how to run an ASP.NET Core 2.2 web application on a Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Server Core virtual machine hosted in Azure. About Windows Server Core Windows was designed as an operating …
.NET Windows Azure