Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

Posts in February 2023

Fix Azure Ubuntu Virtual Machine Agent Status is Not Ready Problem

One of my Azure VM running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS suddenly gives a warning message " virtual machine agent status is not ready. Troubleshoot the issue". I recently did some updates and cleaned up the system, it seems the VM agent was destroyed. I've fixed the issue and would like to share the solution. …
Azure VM

Cloud Architecture Design of My Email Notification Infrastructure on Azure

My blog system "Moonglade" needs to send email notifications to blog owner when there are events like new comments, new pingbacks, and send email to readers when their comments are replied.  I've been building my own infrastructure in the last few years. I will share the journey of how this email infrastructure evolved and the things I learnt. …
ASP.NET Azure Azure Function Azure Storage Queue

How to Automatically Move Blobs to Cool or Archive Tier After a Period of Time

Azure Storage Account offers three tiers of blob storage. Hot, cool and archive. We usually use hot tier for data that needs to be accessed frequently, move blobs to cool tier if they won't be used very often, and archive blobs when they are not used at all. However, manually, or programmatically moving blobs still require an amount of work to do. Let's see how to do it without any programming. …
Azure Azure Blob Storage