Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

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How to Run Windows XP and Windows 2000 VM on Azure in 2024

Microsoft Azure does not officially provide Windows XP images for the creation of virtual machines. The earliest version of a client OS image available on Azure is Windows 7. Despite this, I have devised a method to operate legacy Windows operating systems, including Windows XP, on the current Azure compute platform. In this blog post, I will outline the steps involved in this process in detail. …
Azure VM

Deploy Website from Local Machine to Azure App Service without Git, CI/CD or VS/Code

Azure App Service offers a variety of deployment options tailored to the diverse needs of developers. But what if your project is a straightforward task that doesn't warrant the complexity of setting up an entire suite of tools or a continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline? I'm going to walk you through a streamlined approach that minimizes effort to make your deployment ready …
Azure App Service

Json Serialization Caveat in Azure Function

Creating Azure Functions using C# and .NET can feel quite familiar to those versed in creating ASP.NET Core Web APIs. Despite the similarities, one key difference lies in the process of JSON serialization, which can present unexpected challenges. In this post, I'll explore the two most common issues developers encounter with JSON in Azure Functions and provide practical solutions to overcome them. …
.NET Json Azure

Redirect Traffic to New CDN Endpoint in Azure CDN

I am in the process of transitioning from a Classic Microsoft CDN to a new CDN hosted under a different domain name. To ensure a seamless user experience during this migration, I intend to implement a redirection mechanism. This will automatically reroute users to the new CDN endpoint whenever they attempt to access resources from the old CDN. Let's see how to do it from Azure portal. …
Azure CDN

PowerShell to Enable SQL Server Express Remote Access

SQL Server Express is a free edition of Microsoft's SQL Server, which is a relational database management system (RDBMS). However, remote access is not enabled by default on this SKU. To access a SQL Server Express instance from the network, we have to do a few steps. There's plenty of guide on the internet telling you how to enable remote access via GUI, but I would like to do it from PowerShell. …
SQL Server PowerShell

How to Add a Public IPv6 Address to Azure VM

When configuring a new Azure Virtual Machine (VM), you'll notice that it isn't allocated a public IPv6 address automatically. By default, only an IPv4 address is assigned. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of manually adding a public IPv6 address to your Azure VM, ensuring your setup is future-proof and ready to handle the latest internet protocol requirements. …
Azure Network

How to Check If Code Is Running on Azure VM

An application needs to know if itself is running in Azure VM, so that it can apply special logic and optimization for Azure. You can check if your code is running on an Azure VM by querying the Azure Instance Metadata Service. This service provides information about running virtual machine instances that can be accessed from within the VM. …
Azure VM

How to Detect If Your Application is Running in Azure App Service

An application needs to know if itself is running in Azure App Service, so that it can apply special logic and optimization for Azure. When deploying an application to Azure App Service, the platform automatically assigns a set of environment variables that can be accessed by the application code. In this post, we will see how can our application get this information. …
.NET Azure App Service

Call API with Windows Authentication from Blazor Web Assembly

I was rewriting an old Angular application to Blazor Web Assembly a couple of days ago. The App is an internal tool, which uses a backend API that has Windows Authentication. However, when calling API from HttpClient that UseDefaultCredentials, Blazor will throw PlatformNotSupportedException. The majority of internet search so far tell you it's not possible. Really? Let's see how to make it work! …
.NET Web API Blazor