Edi Wang

.NET and Azure Developer

Microsoft Azure The Best Cloud

Migrate Domain DNS to Azure

It has been a while since Azure DNS went GA on Azure. It's like "dnspod" in China, offers a third party DNS services besides your domain register. The power of Azure has already been witnessed by the entire human race. Now that, it has got DNS services, it would surly be the best in class DNS on the planet. Thus, what we have to do, is to migrate our DNS servers to Azure DNS. So that your website …
Azure DNS

Configure Continuous Delivery for ASP.NET Core Website on Azure

Today I am trying new DevOps tools in VS2017 and Azure, my goal is to automate the process from development to production for an exsiting ASP.NET Core project. I have encountered some issues, and with the help of Microsoft Support, I was able to solve them and share with you guys. First, there are two ways to configure CD for Azure Web Apps. I prefer create a website first, then configure it from …
.NET ASP.NET Azure DevOps

Azure Fire Alarm by Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core

防火是日常生活中非常重要的意识,如果你恰好有Windows 10的设备,比如Lumia,Surface,能及时收到火警是至(mei)关(sha)重(luan)要(yong)的。今天就教大家如何用Microsoft Azure公有云+Windows 10 IoT Core在树莓派上实现一个远程火警系统。阅读这篇文章,你需要的前置知识:Windows 10,UWP的基本开发能力,MVVM基础知识,ASP.NET MVC的基础知识,树莓派、GPIO及逻辑电路的基本知识(也就是大学里的计算机电路),Azure公有云的使用经验……当然,还要有对微软的信仰
Windows Azure IoT Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi Surveillance Camera with Linux and Azure

Because Windows 10 IoT Core is not supporting Pi Camera, I can only use Linux instead. These days, I made a surveillance camera, the functionality is simple, when a person passed by the camera, it will take a picture and upload to Microsoft Azure Storage. It also got a website to remotely view the photos. 1. Hardware A PIR Sensor, a Pi Camera, a couple of jump wires. Connect the Singal port of …
Azure IoT Raspberry Pi Linux Python

Azure Remote Controlled Light with Windows 10 IoT Core

For those who have watched the "Big Bang Theory", you would probably remember that those physicists build an Internet controlled lamp. The signal send from their laptop traveled around the world and come back to their house to light up the lamp. Now, with Windows 10 IoT Core and Microsoft Azure, we could also achieve the same thing on a Raspberry Pi 3. First, I strongly recommend you to read …
Windows Azure IoT Raspberry Pi

How to Manage Azure App Service in IIS Manager (inetmgr)

The website we created on Azure seems can be only managed in the web portal or in the Server Explorer of Visual Studio. If we would like to use IIS to manage more powerful scenarios, seems VM is the only way. But that's not true. First, the IIS comes with Windows 8.1 can't connect to Azure by default. We need to install an extension http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/iis-manager After install. …
IIS Azure

Azure Website Showing 404 for .woff Fonts in IE

If you are using Website on Microsoft Azure (Currently renamed to Web Apps), you will find the .woff web font is not working in IE, it returns 404. Based on my experience, this is because IIS is not configured to use the correct MimeType. However, we can not operate the IIS on Azure, there's no RDP into an Azure Web Apps backend machine. How can we do that? In fact, after IIS7, the MineType is …
IIS Azure

Azure SQL数据库如何做定期自动备份

Azure上的数据库可以通过手工export来备份,方法我在博客里写过。但是如果要求定期做的话,需要人工参与。偷懒的做法是用Azure自带的定期备份功能。 1. 在Azure Portal点开你的数据库,切换到CONFIGURE页面。 Automated Export的意思就是自动导出数据库(bacpac格式),默认是NONE,也就是不自动备份。选择AUTOMATIC。 2. 选完之后,下面会出来详细设置。 STORAGE ACCOUNT选你要保存备份文件的存储账户。FREQUENCY是频率,这个例子里我选择每28天备份一次,从2015年4月2日12:00A.M.开始。保留90天内的备份(这个选项的意思就是备份文件多久以后会被自动删除) 另外,还需要填写SQL数据库服务器的登录账户和密码。然后保存设置就完成了! 3. 一旦到了指定时间,触发了备份。你就能在你刚才设置的存储账户里找到一个
SQL Azure

Azure SQL数据库Web Tier爆了,如何迁移数据库

今天做了次数据库迁移,目的是开个最新版的Azure SQL Database(V12 Update),然后把博客的数据库迁移到新的server上去。按以往的做法(也就是我曾经写过的《图解:如何将SQL Server数据库迁移到SQL Azure 》),把bacpac文件下载下来,然后import到新的数据里,结果爆了: 爆炸是因为Web Tier和Business Tier在最新版的Azure上面已经被微软撸掉了,SSMS 2014却没有升级,不认识这两个Tier,还在用老的Web Tier。 TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.

How to move Microsoft Azure Application Insights

本文目前仅适用于国际版的Azure,国内版没有Application Insight服务,请注意。如果你还没有感受过Application Insight这个人类的最新希望,可以到大微软的Channel 9电视台学习一下:http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Application-Insights-for-Visual-Studio-Online 另外,本文所说的迁移方法不会保留Application Insight的历史数据,如果你看到这里就想喷:你TM在逗我?这叫什么迁移? 。。。 那还是别往下看了。我的标题叫迁移,是因为我实在找不到别的词了。 如果你换了个Microsoft Azure的订阅,怎么迁移以往的ASP.NET, WP工程上面已经配置好的Application Insight呢?目前Azure Portal没有提供更改订阅的功能。所以我们只能在
Visual Studio Azure Application Insight