Because Windows 10 IoT Core is not supporting Pi Camera, I can only use Linux instead. These days, I made a surveillance camera, the functionality is simple, when a person passed by the camera, it will take a picture and upload to Microsoft Azure Storage. It also got a website to remotely view the photos. 1. Hardware A PIR Sensor, a Pi Camera, a couple of jump wires. Connect the Singal port of …
Recently Windows 10 IoT Core Build 14393 is coming, but still without PiCamera support, WTF. So I can only choose Linux for my project. When I was using Windows, I use C# + Azure SDK to upload photos to Microsoft Azure. So how to do it on Linux? After some research, here's how to do it. My system is Raspbian Linux. First, we need to install Azure SDK in SSH Terminal: sudo pip install --pre azure …
For those who have watched the "Big Bang Theory", you would probably remember that those physicists build an Internet controlled lamp. The signal send from their laptop traveled around the world and come back to their house to light up the lamp. Now, with Windows 10 IoT Core and Microsoft Azure, we could also achieve the same thing on a Raspberry Pi 3. First, I strongly recommend you to read …
The website we created on Azure seems can be only managed in the web portal or in the Server Explorer of Visual Studio. If we would like to use IIS to manage more powerful scenarios, seems VM is the only way. But that's not true. First, the IIS comes with Windows 8.1 can't connect to Azure by default. We need to install an extension After install. …
If you are using Website on Microsoft Azure (Currently renamed to Web Apps), you will find the .woff web font is not working in IE, it returns 404. Based on my experience, this is because IIS is not configured to use the correct MimeType. However, we can not operate the IIS on Azure, there's no RDP into an Azure Web Apps backend machine. How can we do that? In fact, after IIS7, the MineType is …
今天做了次数据库迁移,目的是开个最新版的Azure SQL Database(V12 Update),然后把博客的数据库迁移到新的server上去。按以往的做法(也就是我曾经写过的《图解:如何将SQL Server数据库迁移到SQL Azure 》),把bacpac文件下载下来,然后import到新的数据里,结果爆了: 爆炸是因为Web Tier和Business Tier在最新版的Azure上面已经被微软撸掉了,SSMS 2014却没有升级,不认识这两个Tier,还在用老的Web Tier。 TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio ------------------------------ An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.